Last day in Guangzhou
We have been busy packing this morning because we leave early tomorrow for HK. Today we have the ceremony at the Consulate and everything is finally over - except the looooong plane ride home. Last night we had dinner with about 6 other families from our group - it was very good. Tonight we will probably go out for Thai. Molly continues to do very well - still demanding constant attention and as long as she gets it, she is the happiest baby in the world. The second I get busy doing something else she begins to fuss - so far, no nap today - we took a little walk to an Internet cafe with the hope that the walk will entice her into a nap! We bought several more pairs of squeaky shoes this morning too!
All the babies had their picture on the red couch yesterday - it is a great picture and Molly looks adorable in it - I can't believe they were able to get the babies to all look at the camera and not cry (all at the same time!!)
Jackie, I will call you from Chicago, just to let you know that we made our connection and that everything is on time. I think we are scheduled to arrive in Chicago around 2:00pm CST and leave around 7:00pm (5 hour layover will be painful!) If you don't hear from me, please check with the airline on the first flight to make sure that it wasn't delay and we missed our connection. Thanks again for picking us up - I can't wait for you to see Molly!!
This may be my last posting, but if I get an opportunity to post tomorrow from HK, then I will. See you all soon!! Anna