Friday, December 22, 2006

2 Posts in One Week!

2 posts in one week – I’m good!

It’s been a busy month since I last wrote my post. My parents came for a visit at Thanksgiving and Molly loved seeing her grandparents! They played and spoiled her tremendously. My dad taught her how to build skyscrapers from legos. She woke up every morning with a huge smile, would point to her bedroom door, and say “see Nanna, Grandad.” This continued after they left which made me sad to hear – she kept looking for them in every room – poor baby missed them!

Luckily we had great weather over Thanksgiving and during their visit, we went out for Thanksgiving dinner, took Molly to several parks, and went to the Fort Worth Zoo. We also went to the Dallas Arboretum with my friend Ann’s China travel group. They were celebrating their one year anniversary of Gotcha Day and were kind enough to include us in the celebration! It was great meeting all the beautiful girls and one special boy from Kunming.

Molly has had her first experience decorating cookies – she didn’t do that much better than me, but shows some promise. She also attempted to eat with chopsticks and let me just say, it is a good thing she is here in the US otherwise she would be starving in China – her chopstick skills are sorely lacking. Her friend, Jordan, though is a pro (first try)!

Sadly it appears that China will be closing its doors to single mothers hoping to adopt from China. I hope that they will reopen soon. I did have a slot for 2007 with my wonderful agency, but decided that the time wasn’t right for me. I enjoy the time I get to spend with Molly and don’t believe that adding another child to our family is the right thing to do yet. I know that I risk not being able to adopt from China in the future, but things may change (China may open again to singles, I could get married, or I may decide to adopt from another country – Vietnam has recently reopened). So, at least for now, Molly will be an only child.

One final Molly story before I go. Molly loves little dum dum lollipops. She gets them sometimes when she leaves daycare. I won’t let her walk around with them, so I decided to take her to Walmart for some final holiday shopping - I could shop and she could have her lollipop. After awhile, with all the excessive teething drool, the stick of the lollipop was so sticky and Molly doesn’t like to touch “sticky” stuff anymore. So she hands the lollipop to me. I assume that she is done with it, but oh no! She just wants me to hold the sticky stick while she finishes the lollipop! And what is worse, I stopped in the middle of Walmart to hold it for her! Is this a spoiled child or what??

Enjoy the pictures of some of the events I mentioned above (you can click on them to enlarge).


Blogger Sam said...

Where did you go?!?!?! I'm missing you!


11:16 PM  

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