Kiss My Grits!
Kiss My Grits!!
Move over duck egg congee, Molly prefers grits! She is now a southerner!
Yesterday, while taking a break from pushing Molly in a box around the house and making vroom vroom noises (while she squealed in delight), I made grits for Molly. She ate the whole bowl! I think she devoured it even faster than the duck egg congee that she loved while we were in China and that I have not given her since (after all, where would I find duck eggs!)
Molly had a good weekend and had her 1st sleepover with her friend, Jordan. I picked up Jordan at daycare, after picking up Molly and took them both to my house. We had pizza – great slumber party food and I got both girls to bed by 8:30pm. Pretty proud of myself for that accomplishment! The next morning my friend, Jacie, stopped by to help me play with the girls. Jordan was a little weary of Jacie because Jacie committed the terrible sin of trying to wipe her face! Heaven forbid, the face wipe! But she soon warmed up and both girls enjoyed Jacie’s visit – as did I, since it was nice to have the much appreciated help (with 2 toddlers going in different directions). Jacie and her husband are waiting for their baby from China and it is so wonderful to see them play with Molly. They will be great parents! After naps (2 ½ hours – again, proud of that accomplishment), the girls played in Molly’s room for awhile. Jordan wanted to wear Molly’s shoes. Then Molly saw Jordan in shoes and needed a pair. I put Molly in a pair of squeaky shoes. Well, Jordan decided the first shoes weren’t good enough and insisted on a pair of squeaky shoes too! Then both girls enjoyed running around the house squeaky very loudly. They seemed to be playing some kind of follow the leader game – one falls, the other falls, one runs, the other runs, etc. Jordan’s mom came at about 6:30 and I think Molly was quite upset that she wasn’t going home with them. The next morning, Molly wanted to go into “Jordan’s room” to wake her up. She looked quite upset when Jordan wasn’t sleeping in there!
Poor little Scout, my younger cat, did not enjoy Jordan’s visit as much as Molly and I did. After not peeing on my carpet for 2 months (thank you Xanax), the stress of another baby was too much for Scout and I was greeted with a nice puddle on the carpet. I’ve upped her Xanax and will remember to up it again BEFORE bringing another baby in the house. Scout should calm down once she realizes that Jordan is not staying anymore. I guess I will keep it a secret that I am considering adopting a second – that might push Scout over the edge!
Pictures: 1st one is Molly and Jordan having breakfast – it was difficult to get them both seated! 2nd one I call monkey see (Jordan laid back first) the 3rd one I call monkey do (Molly had to copy)