Not much going on these days
Most pictures are self explanatory. I had Molly practice knocking on the door in one of the pictures. Another has the 4 girls that went to the Pumpkin Patch (Lucy, Molly, Katie, & Elli).
I’m so late posting about Halloween, but it’s been a crazy week. Nothing exciting, just busy.
My friend, Jacie, came over to help Molly and I trick or treat and I found out my neighborhood doesn’t do much. We only hit about 8 houses (and I only had one person come to my house). Molly would not say trick or treat when someone answered the door. She would say it just before I rang the doorbell, but then when someone opened the door, she would just stare at them. No smile, no expression, and heaven forbid, no talking. Although she did not master the phrase, she did master the main activity – getting good candy!! She took her time figuring out which item (or 2 or 3) she wanted and helped herself. Big smile then, followed by “open.” Meaning that she wanted it now and it had to be opened for her to consume. Then when she was done with something, she handed it to Jacie who I think she thought was there to serve as her personal servant! I’ve posted a couple of pictures.
Right before Halloween, Molly and I met some other parents and kids from our playgroup at a Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound. The girls had fun, Molly and Elli tried to lift every pumpkin in sight. Molly insists on groaning while she attempts to lift! The hit, for Molly, of the Pumpkin Patch though were the Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop wood cut outs. She thought she had died and gone to Barney Heaven!
Molly has started to develop opinions on which clothing or accessories she likes and which she dislikes. She insisted on dressing herself the other day in her pink, Hello Kitty crocs and a wool knit cap (see picture above). I bought new shoes and asked her if she liked them, expecting her to nod like she always does, but she says “no.” Who knows why they did not pass her high standards.
She can now say EVERYTHING. She likes to repeat anything she hears and has a huge vocabulary and she seems to understand most of the words that she says. It makes going anywhere very SLOW since she has to point out EVERYTHING and tell me what it is. And now is also telling me the color of EVERYTHING. I really have to watch what I say. A couple of months ago, I had to convince her that I did not say f*ck, but in fact said duck – I had her quacking away in no time. I have to be fast on my feet to keep up with her!
Last night she gave me the best hug. I often ask her to give her stuffed animals or dolls a hug and kiss. Well, last night, as we are walking out of the store, she says “give Mommy hug and kiss.” It was so sweet.