Tuesday, May 16, 2006

February and March 2006

Molly and I fly to Dallas to house hunt. Fortunately my mother was kind enough to meet us here and help me! Molly did not enjoy househunting, but was a trooper! We found a house in Plano that I loved.

We began the big move! The closing on my house in Florida did not go well – anyone reading this please heed my warning: NEVER sell to a buyer who is using COUNTRYWIDE unless the buyer is putting 20% or more down. Countrywide messed this sale up so badly. They created numerous delays and all kinds of problems – how in the world are they the largest mortgage company in the US? My buyer was a piece of work too. Not exactly the brightest crayon in the box. But before I get too high on my soapbox, I’ll change the subject. Especially since the nightmares are beginning to subside and I don’t want to start them up again by reliving the closing! Saying goodbye to my friends in South Florida was very hard. I will miss seeing Mia, Katie, and Rachel come home and I so wanted to see them all at the airport. I hope to go and visit, but it won’t be the same. Now if I could just get everyone to move to Dallas, then Molly and I will really be happy! We have settled into the new house in Plano and have met many nice people. There are so many families in my immediate area who have already adopted or are in the process. People in Plano are so nice too. I’ve been busy trying to unpack but that is so difficult with Molly. She is not very helpful (even if she tries!) She is adorable though and she started at her new daycare the last week of March. She clings to me when I drop her off, but they tell me that she is doing well. When I come to pick her up, she runs to me with a big smile and huge hug. But then wants to go back to playing or eating! The commute to and from work is absolutely killing me, but the office is moving a little closer to my house, but the commute still won’t be great! I won’t say too much about the job since who knows who is reading this, but let’s just say I’m bored to tears most days.


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